
My Acting Update . Why I Get Frustrated With Acting | Acting Auditions & Call Backs with Fiona

2017-10-23 3 Dailymotion

Subscribe so you dont miss a day! \r
Today I talk to you about my ing auditions and ing career and why I get so frustrated with ing & auditions. My true love is YouTube and all of my subscribers -- I love you all so so much! \r
Follow Fiona on her auditions and aspiring ing career:\r
Here is Kims latest video on how to start a YouTube channel. Fiona joins in too: \r
I N S T A G R A M\r
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S N A P C H A T\r
snapchat @fionafrills\r
snapchat @eddyfrankyfarty\r
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Everyday is a winding road. Join us.\r
Kim, Eddie & Fiona\r
Acting Auditions & Call Backs with Fiona\r
Follow Fionas aspiring ing in Hollywood aka Los Angeles. Go to auditions and call backs. See how Fiona self-tapes auditions and prepares for casting calls for both theatrical and commercial roles\r
Living Out Loud Family Vlog\r
Living Out Loud Vlog is Fiona (mostly!), Eddie & Kim -- the LOL (Living Out Loud) family -- were living it out loud and sharing our journey through life with all of you in this family vlog. Posting just about everyday, youll see us travel between LA and the Bay Area; behind the scenes for Fionas YouTube channel (FionaFrills) and auditions; daily hiccups in our life; going on hikes and outdoor adventures and travel; thrift shopping; cooking; exercising; taking care of our pets and so much more. Subscribe and live out loud with us! Enjoy!